Stack Emission Proficiency Tests
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The Hessian Agency for Nature Conservation, Environment and Geology (HLNUG) offers stack emission proficiency tests. These were designed to meet the requirements set by §16 para. 4 No. 7, 41. BImSchV (41st Federal Immission Control Ordinance) for measuring facilities authorised to perform services in accordance with §29b BImSchG (Federal Immission Control Act). Nevertheless, other interested measuring institutes are welcome to participate in HLNUG’s stack emission proficiency tests, too.
The proficiency tests include sampling, which is carried out on HLNUG’s Emission Simulation Apparatus (ESA). The ESA is a factory chimney replica, on which volume flow, temperature, and the concentrations of various pollutants can be controlled.
The ESA can also be used for training purposes in the field of emission measurements. Furthermore, the ESA can be rented for tests and validation programmes of new measurement procedures and emission measurement devices.
For additional Information, see:
- Information on HLNUG's ESA
- Publications by Department I3
Proficiency test programmes
HLNUG currently offers the following stack emission proficiency test programmes:
- dust (standard and short versions)
- gas (standard and short versions)
- odour
- ultrafine particles
For upcoming proficiency test rounds, please see our schedule.
If you are interested in participating in one of these proficiency tests, please contact us.
Please note that all proficiency tests include the sampling procedure. The sampling takes place in Kassel, Germany, on HLNUG's Emission Simulation Apparatus (ESA).
All results from previous rounds of our proficiency tests can be found in our annual reports.
Objective of the dust stack emission proficiency test is the determination of mass concentrations of particulate flue gas components (conforming to EN 13284-1), and of heavy metals (conforming to EN 14385), as well as the measurement of the flow conditions of the flue gas (conforming to EN 15259).
The proficiency test includes the following components:
- dust
- heavy metals (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, V)
- gas flow conditions (flow velocity, temperature, water vapour concentration, static pressure, volume flow)
The general guidelines for this proficiency test were acclaimed by the Conference of Ministers for Environment (UMK) and the Federation/Federal States Working Group on Immission Protection (LAI). For details on the dust stack emission proficiency test programme, including remarks on the required sampling procedure, the time schedule, and the criteria for proficiency assessment, see the information sheet.
This proficiency test takes place from Monday to Tuesday (2 days, see schedule). The participation fee is currently € 2950,-.
Short version of dust proficiency test
In addition to the standard version of our dust proficiency test, we also offer a shortened version. In this short version, 6 assessed samplings are carried out (instead of 9) and there is only one measurement day (instead of 2). Further details can be found in the information sheet for this proficiency test. The short version of the dust proficiency test can also be offered on request on additional days to those already planned (see schedule).
Objective of the gas stack emission proficiency test is the determination of mass concentrations of the inorganic components sulfur dioxide (SO2, conforming to EN 14791), nitrogen oxides (NOx, conforming to EN 14792), and carbon monoxide (CO, conforming to EN 15058); of organic compounds (conforming to EN 13649), total organic carbon (TOC, conforming to EN 12619), and formaldehyde (conforming to VDI 3862, Part 2, 3, or 4) as well as the measurement of the flow conditions of the flue gas (conforming to EN 15259).
The proficiency test includes the following components:
- inorganic gases (SO2, NOx, CO)
- organic compounds (formaldehyde, ethylbenzene, toluene, xylene)
- total organic carbon (TOC)
- gas flow conditions (flow velocity, temperature, water vapour concentration, static pressure, volume flow)
The general guidelines for this proficiency test were acclaimed by the Conference of Ministers for Environment (UMK) and the Federation/Federal States Working Group on Immission Protection (LAI). For details on the gas stack emission proficiency test programme, including remarks on the required sampling procedures, the time schedule, and the criteria for proficiency assessment, see the information sheet.
Parallel to the measurements on the ESA, we offer a verification of the participants' span gases. For further Information, see the respective information sheet.
This proficiency test takes place from Tuesday to Thursday (3 days, see schedule). The participation fee is currently € 3250,-.
Short version of gas proficiency test
In addition to the standard version of our gas proficiency test, we also offer a shortened version. In this short version, 6 assessed samplings are carried out for each component (instead of 9) and the programme takes only two days (instead of 3). Further details can be found in the information sheet for this proficiency test. The short version of the gas proficiency test can also be offered on request on additional days to those already planned (see schedule).
Objective of the odour stack emission proficiency test is the determination of odour concentrations (as ouE/m³, conforming to EN 13725), as well as the measurement of the flow conditions of the flue gas (conforming to EN 15259).
The proficiency test includes the following components:
- n-butanol
- three other substances or defined mixtures
- gas flow conditions (flow velocity, temperature, water vapour concentration, static pressure, volume flow)
The general guidelines for this proficiency test were acclaimed by the Conference of Ministers for Environment (UMK) and the Federation/Federal States Working Group on Immission Protection (LAI). For details on the odour stack emission proficiency test programme, including remarks on the required sampling procedures, the time schedule, and the criteria for proficiency assessment, see the information sheet.
The sampling for this proficiency test takes place during one forenoon (see schedule). The participation fee is currently € 1750,-.